Hello, we're Dartmoor Kin. Here's some of our lovely downloads. View everything by clicking on 'shop' in the menu.
Wheel of the Year Resources
* Litha * Lammas * Mabon *Samhain * Yule * Imbolc * Ostara * Beltane *
- eBook guide with history of the wheel, and family activities & tips for each of the festivals.
- Wheel of the year calendars.
- Pretty festival posters.
- Colouring-in wheel of the year.
Moon Topic Resources
- Moon Phases crafts & activities.
- Full Moon Names origins & craft activity.
- Moon Diary - phase tracking.
- Cookie Phases - fun edible activity.
Phenology Resources
Phenology is the visual study of seasonal changes in nature throughout the year.
- eBook guide to creating phenology wheels with tips and printable templates.
- Month Wheels - weather & moon phase observation templates.
- Seasonal Wheels - nature study colouring-in sheets.
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